Tips for staying mentally
Staying mentally healthy allows to live our lives in meaningful and productive ways. There are a number of things we can do to look after ourselves and maintain our wellbeing and mental health.
With two in every five young people experiencing mental ill-health according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data, it’s more important than ever that we support young people to stay connected with the people and things that make them feel happy and healthy.
Anything that gets your body moving is great. Walking, sport, yoga, dancing or swimming will all help release stress and improve your mood.
Find out moreSpend time with people you care about, and care about you. When you spend time connecting, it improves your sense of belonging.
Find out moreThere is a strong link between what we eat and how we feel. Try swapping a processed snack for fruit or foods high in fibre.
Find Out MoreDoing ‘stuff’ matters. When you spend time doing things you enjoy, or used to enjoy, it can give you relief from difficult times and build fun into your life.
Find Out MoreQuality sleep is like a mental health superpower. It helps manage emotions, better deal with stress and reduce risk of mental health challenges.
Find out moreTrying new experiences and learning new skills can help improve the cognitive functioning of your brain. It’s also just a good way to keep things interesting.
Cutting back on alcohol and other drugs can be one of the most important things you can do for your mental health and wellbeing.
Find Out MoreWhere to go for help
Kids Helpline is for kids aged 5 to 12 as well a young people aged 12 to 25.
Qualified counsellors are available via webchat, phone or email 24/7.
Calls are FREE even from a mobile phone.
Online and phone support for young people aged 12 to 25.
Calling is the fastest way to connect with a clinician. 9am to 1pm (AEDT) everyday.
You can also create an account if you prefer to communicate by webchat or email.
24/7 crisis support service. Confidential one-to-one, short-term support with a trained Lifeline Crisis Supporter for people who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping.
You can also access a Lifeline Crisis Support via confidential one to one text 0477 13 11 14.
Suicide Call Back Service offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.
A free, private, safe and confidential social platform for 13-25 year olds.
Space for people aged 12-25 to discuss life and wellbeing issues. You can read other people’s stories, ask for advice or share your own experience.
headspace Bunbury supports young people 12 – 25 with mild to moderate mental health, substance use, work and study as well as physical health/sexual health concerns through our visiting on site GP. Along with support for young people, we also support their family and friends.
Youth Focus operates a free, face-to-face and web-based professional counselling service for young people aged 12 to 25 who may be experiencing mental health challenges including suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety and self-harm.
Here For You is a statewide confidential, non-judgemental, telephone service for anyone in Western Australia concerned about their own or another person’s mental health issues and/or alcohol and other drug use.
7am to 10pm (ASWT) / 7 days per week.
StandBy is Australia’s leading suicide postvention program dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide.
Find supports and resources to support children and teens after suicide here.
Rurallink is an after-hours telephone service for people in rural and regional Western Australia experiencing a mental health crisis.
The Think Mental Health education campaign’s focus is on assisting the Western Australian community to connect with the best information, support and services for their particular situation, without duplicating the good work already being done.
The QLife family includes hundreds of highly experienced staff and volunteers Australia-wide. If you’re looking to connect with someone to explore what’s going on in your life, we’re here to chat and to take your call from 3pm-midnight (AEDT) each day.
Going through a tough time? We’re here to yarn.
If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter.
Confidential information, counselling and support service
1800RESPECT is available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence.
The Luminos Project is a non-medical, short-stay residential service for young people aged 16-24 experiencing thoughts of suicide. Designed to have a home like environment, you will have an opportunity to engage in structured and unstructured therapeutic activities.
Prevention, mentoring, and diversionary services in a culturally secure environment to adults both pre and post-release from incarceration as well as young people who are disengaged from school and at risk of being affected by alcohol and other drugs.
Support for eating disorders & body image issues.
For people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families & friends.
This hotline provides confidential support for people struggling with addiction.
ReachOut is 100% online, anonymous and confidential, and lets young people connect on their terms. From one-to-one peer support and moderated online communities, to tips, stories and resources, ReachOut offers a wide range of support options that allow young people to engage in the ways they want to, when they want to.
Information and support for anyone who is affected by complex trauma.
Information for children, young people, parents, and their family and friends about parents and parenting with a mental illness to support the wellbeing of children and young people.
A free confidential service. It connects you with the help and support you need to keep mentally healthy.
To help people with intellectual disability get the right services and support for their mental health. It has information for people with intellectual disability, their supporters, and professionals.
MindSpot is a free, online, personalised clinical mental health service. They deliver psychological services via telephone and online to adults across Australia.
Alcohol & drug support/counselling for people in all stages of recovery.
Supports people with mental health conditions, as well as their carers, family and friends.
TIACS is a free phone and text counselling service offering mental health support to Australia’s tradies, truckies, rural & bluecollar workers.
Support for men in rural & regional WA.
Richmond Wellbeing provides inclusive, community-based mental health and wellbeing support services across Western Australia.
Urgent mental health support, advice & assessment for children & young people.
The Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for matters relating to alcohol or drug use.
MIFWA is an independent community-based mental health organisation with 30 years’ experience supporting people who are living with and recovering from mental health challenges. We also support their families, carers, friends and colleagues who are supporting them.
Accordwest only provides emergency accommodation for single youth. This accommodation is for a specific age group in Bunbury and Busselton.
Individuals with alcohol and other drug problems can seek help at the South West Community Alcohol and Drug Service (SWCADS).
GP Down South is a not-for-profit community organisation providing health and wellbeing services in the Peel regions and the South West of WA.
Provides free morning tea, cheap nutritious lunches to homeless and disadvantaged people. Referrals to other agencies.
JSW Training and Community Services delivers a wide range
of specialist programs and services to assist people in the
Kookaburra Kids support children and young people living in families impacted by mental illness.
Provide employment assistance for people with disabilities, including mental illness, across the South West.
Emergency relief, material aid, advocacy, referral and support to people in personal and financial crisis.
Emergency assistance with food, clothing and furniture.
Having trouble with alcohol? Does your drinking worry you? Is it causing you to get into unpleasant or dangerous situations? Are family members complaining about your drinking?
Help for families and carers of people with alcohol abuse issues, they also provide support to youth affected themselves or through a family member.
CounsellingOnline counsellors are also available to provide immediate telephone support through the 24-hour alcohol and drug service DirectLine.
Local Community groups formed to decrease the level of drug abuse in our area.
Provides free advocacy, counselling and support to families, couples and individuals, as well as training, mediation and employee assistance programs.
Carers advocacy and counselling services.
Counselling to individuals, couples, families and children.
Education courses, Men and families Relationships
program and mediation for families is also available.
Family and individual confidential counselling services.
A not for profit service to all women of the South West
funded by the Health Department which offers
counselling two days a week and also conducts courses.
The Advice Line provides information on family
relationship issues and advice on parenting
arrangements after separation.
A 24hr, seven day a week health advice line to all people
calling from within Western Australia.
The Living Is For Everyone (LIFE) website is a world class suicide and self-harm information resource.
MensLine Australia is the 24/7 national telephone
support, information and referral service for men with
family and relationship concerns.
Activ provides services and support to people with
A regionally based community not for profit Western Australian agency that provides a range of advocacy services for people with disabilities living in the South West of Western Australia.
Provides information, advocacy and support for
people with disabilities
Enable Southwest Inc. works alongside individuals
and families of people with disabilities to meet their individual needs.
Intework is a not for profit agency committed to
working with people to develop and promote their
aspirations and potential within the community.
Child protection, social worker and financial counselling